Hopefully, posting this now, will show how much I will have improved in 12 months time. If I don't, I'm gonna give up. You can probably tell I'm not over-the-moon with this short. I had about 4 hours to shoot, compile and edit in time for the deadline, so I'm sticking to that as a reason why it's not very good.
Animateclay.com June challenge entry. Theme was 'Tie'.
A couple of stills showing the puppet and partial set of my animateclay.com monthly challenge entry for May. The challenge theme was 'Limp'. I've had a few problems editing the final film, and as it's now middle of June, this short might never be seen. I just thought I owe it to the poor doll to post her picture.
Extra lighting for photo purposes. The actual film is darker than this.
The doll was a nightmare to animate. Too tall, no tie-downs.