Sunday, 20 May 2012

First Ever Digital Art.

So I joined the digital age and bought myself a Wacom Bamboo tablet. I mainly wanted it for post-production - stuff like deleting rigs, etc. Of course, I wanted to try out drawing on it too. I found it quite tricky, with things not doing what I wanted them to do. I definitely prefer the traditional method of creating art. It's much easier! Maybe I just need some practice. I used the bundled software - Art Rage 2.6.

So here's my first attempt! I quite like it, though there's not a lot going on. It's meant to be a dark, war-tortured landscape. Concept art for the monkey film.

Also, managed to get some pretty nice short fur. This taupe colour (pictured below) is for the General (he's old). I need to order some brown for the younger soldier. I wrapped some around the plasticine face just to see what it would look like. Finished heads will be latex.

Looks like an 'Eskimonkey' ;D


  1. looks really cool man, its going to be a great looking puppet!

  2. Eskimonkey!!! Awesome stuff, man! Looking forward to it all!

    1. Thanks, JON! I just googled eskimonkey, thinking I had been clever. No. It's been used millions of times :( Haha.

  3. Haha...all the digital artists out there are probably think traditional art could be easier lol. The monkey head is pretty cool, I like it!!

    1. When I said easier, I meant better! ;) Cheers, KP. It's very early stages.

  4. awesome work dean, for first attempt on a tablet thats really good, i have a tablet but mainly use it for rig removal. and your money is looking amazing, from the pic it looks like a money version of Mr Miyagi.

    can't wait to see more.

    1. Arigató, Mark-san. Looking back at it now, after I few days, I really like how his digital face came out. I still prefer traditional painting, but it was nice to not have any mess to clean up :D

      I wonder if I can throw a Karate Kid reference into the film...? Might be difficult in a post-apocalyptic war zone. We'll see :)

  5. congrats on the wacom man...still fweels akward to me...but its a great tool...

    great first go as well!

